Service Times and Directions
(childcare available)
9:30 AM - Morning Worship
9:30 AM - Children's Sunday School (4yrs thru 5th Grade)
9:30 AM - Youth Life Groups (6th-12th Grades)
9:30 AM - Adult Life Groups (Bible Study)
11:00 AM - Sunday Morning Worship
11:00 AM - Children's Church (4yrs thru 3rd Grade)
7:00 PM - Bible Study & Prayer Mtg
7:00 PM - KidsZone (4yrs thru 5th Grade)
Our Pastor

Pastor Lamb
Senior Pastor
Visiting with Us
What to Expect
Visiting any church for the first time can make anyone a little nervous. We want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Freedom will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring worship, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home!” Here are a few answers to your questions about what you might expect on your first visit.

Frequently Asked Questions
We have childcare provided for every service for children 3 years and below.
What We Believe
This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final authority of all that we believe. We do believe that this Statement of Faith accurately represents the teaching of the Bible, and therefore is binding upon all members.